Suhanna-The SpiritWalker

Feb 17, 20222 min

Stop Pretending.....

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Many times and for far too long i pretended, Pretended things that were said didn’t hurt me, said ok to things that were not in alignment with me, pretended I was happy when i really felt lonely and lost.

Pretended I could do it all, when i was really exhausted and needed help but was too proud to ask for it. I was taught that "women can and should do it all".

I Pretended that I was not in pain, when I was feeling deeply hurt.

Pretending is exhausting dude, it kills the soul.

I remember seating at gatherings and feeling so disconnected like an Alien, so many faces and people yet felt so alone. This happened so many times i lost count. I felt envious of those having a good time and digging that they loved, i wants the same.

Does this resonate?

Did you know that when we feel envious is because we are deserving of the same joys? our soul deep down knows.

Imagine the wonders you are missing because you are pretending to be someone you are not? Feeling something you are not, How your relationships can change if you speak your truth.

Why should you stop pretending?

  • Pretending makes you stay in places and relationships you should not be in.

  • Pretending steals you from allowing your emotions come through and instead they get stuck in your body, possible causing illness and disease.

  • Pretending blocks you from experiencing what would make you TRULY feel alive.

  • Pretending takes your power away from living life on your own terms.

How can you stop pretending? Take notes!

  • DON'T say yes to things you really don't want to do.

  • ALLOW yourself to FEEL all that comes up, cry, yell on a pillow, journal. If it is too heavy seek help of a therapist or book a session with me to process, for support and guidance.

  • SPEAK up. Say what you mean from the heart. Learn healthy ways to communicate.

  • START doing things that bring you joy. I cannot say this enough. Joy=Heart= Happiness. This will allow you to align with everything that resonate with that vibration which in essence will call into your life more of the same.

  • CONNECT with your soul during the day, meditate with intention and ask questions, hear what it has to say. Let it guide you.

This human experience is too short, In embodying our true essence, living with authenticity we can invite more alignment and joy into our life’s.

May today after reading this piece, be the day you start embodying your true self. May you feel safe to express yourself and your true feelings and emotions.



